SimpleFMS | Tailings

Same output while saving 5-10% of your entire fleet by using fewer trucks

Construction and expansion of mining tailing walls require a constant movement of materials, high-security measures, and specialized machinery.

Lately, more mining companies are already in constant search of ways to innovate these construction processes, increase their efficiency, and have better control over them.

Model Mining has the Ultimate  solution

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SimpleFMS | Tailings automatically monitors and identifies in real-time:

Material movements

Material Movements

Critical points in the material flow

Major points of non-productivity across all tasks

SimpleFMS sends an alert when teams exceed scheduled times, allowing supervisors to make informed decisions and make necessary changes as soon as possible.

Production data is available to any authorized user who wants to closely follow the plan’s implementation, reducing unforeseen events.

SimpleFMS | Tailings measures, manages, and analyzes the progress of the reservoir’s construction, providing greater control, security, and execution of the information.

SimpleFMS lets you cut down on the number of trucks you use without slowing down your business.

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Minimize your costs and become more competitive